Priority 1 Booking Stage
FAQs for Priority 1 Booking
- Will there be a guaranteed seat since we have submitted this booking so early in advance? What if it comes to the point where we have the pass but insufficient seats? Are we able to board as well?
- Who can book during Priority 1 booking?
- How do I make a Priority 1 Booking?
- Where are my Pick-up/Drop-off located at?
- How do I edit my ride details?
- How do I cancel my transport pass?
- How do I book a one-way transport service?
- Can I make multiple transport pass booking?
- I have confirmed my transport pass but I want to change my Pick-up / Drop-off location on a certain day. How do I change my trip details?
- What if there are some days on my work schedule that I do not need to travel to Lonza/ need to travel to Lonza?